The Do Unto Others Campaign is part of a nation-wide effort begun by Resurrection UMC. During the election season, when there is so much division, this campaign was created to remind us that Jesus says we're supposed to "Do unto others as we would have them do unto us."
As Christians, we should be modeling this way of living in our everyday lives, not just on Sundays. By placing signs in our yards, we are not only showing the community how we should be treating each other, we are reminding ourselves.
Choose from #Respect, #Kindness, or #Humility. You're welcome to come on Sunday to pick up your sign, or we'll be happy to deliver it to your yard.
The yard signs are free. T-shirts are also available for $15, which covers our cost.
Thank you for working with us to spread Jesus' love in the form of a little humility, kindness, and respect this election season and beyond!
Yard Signs |